New Years Bread 2001 Christmas 2001 Christmas Trees 2001 Thanksgiving 2001 Dad's Birthday (Nov 2001) Apple Picking 2001 (Oct 2001) July 2001 Birthdays Uncle Jay's 50th with the Mets in New York City (July 2001) Aunt Lori & Uncle Tom's #4 Born June 22, 2001: Luke! Greg, Lara, Mark, and Matt- June Graduations! Michael Parrell's Confirmation (May 2001) Easter 2001 Williamsburg (April 2001) Easter Bread 2001 Uncle Michael in South Africa and the Philippines (Feb/Mar 2001) Aunt Barbara's 49th (March 2001) Working on the Computer (March 2001) Dad's Grave at Arlington Cemetery (March 2001) Aunt Kelly's 40th (February 2001) Aunt Louise's 50th (February 2001) |