Archive Events 2001
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New Years Bread 2001

The Rollers with Luke.jpg (46120 bytes)Uncle Tom with Diane Amanda Matt.jpg (47118 bytes)The Bakers.jpg (50034 bytes)Nanna and Brittany Mixing.jpg (46873 bytes)Mom and Gary New Years.jpg (33635 bytes)

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Christmas 2001

         Trees and Music in Washington.jpg (41968 bytes)Virginia tree in Washington.jpg (42151 bytes)Cher and Gary.jpg (45224 bytes)Greg Nick Angela Diane.jpg (57837 bytes)

Gramdma and Grandpa Christmas 01.jpg (36679 bytes)Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds Family.jpg (120858 bytes)Nick and Uncle Joe.jpg (32286 bytes)The password players.jpg (53678 bytes)Barb and  Jay and Family.jpg (36264 bytes)

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Christmas Trees 2001

The Christmas Tree Group.jpg (43305 bytes)Bringing it in.jpg (62662 bytes)Diane and Nanna.jpg (44255 bytes)

Angela and Nanna.jpg (35284 bytes)Nick and his Mom.jpg (67462 bytes)Greg and Nanna.jpg (61307 bytes)

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Thanksgiving 2001

Dinner 03.JPG (83082 bytes)The Group with Mom.jpg (65937 bytes)The Group with Gary.jpg (67780 bytes)

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Dad's Birthday (Nov 2001)

Dad and Angela.jpg (42101 bytes)Dad and Diane.jpg (39233 bytes)Dad and Greg.jpg (40324 bytes)

Dad and Nick.jpg (42706 bytes)Dads Birthday with all.jpg (46007 bytes)Gary Cher and Mom.jpg (41138 bytes)

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Apple Picking 2001 (Oct 2001)

The Pickers.JPG (121580 bytes)Avery.JPG (151160 bytes)Get Set.JPG (171937 bytes)

Brittany Diane  Amanda.jpg (59743 bytes)Louise and Emma Louise.jpg (103892 bytes)Lori Luke Thomas Matthew and Girlfriends.JPG (147808 bytes)Diane Brittany and Pigs.JPG (129892 bytes)

Cher and Angela.jpg (78148 bytes)Cher Gary and the Desbiens.jpg (84763 bytes)Diane and Dad.jpg (60612 bytes)The Apple Picking Gang.jpg (142174 bytes)

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July 2001 Birthdays

Birthdays at Irenes.jpg (41873 bytes)Diane and Mark.JPG (72894 bytes)Greg Nick Angela.JPG (63164 bytes)Josh and Amanda.JPG (70766 bytes)

Jay and his Mom.JPG (60316 bytes)Dad and Joe Jay Gary.JPG (54110 bytes)Barb and Judi.JPG (58194 bytes)Mom and Dad.JPG (49623 bytes)

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Uncle Jay's 50th with the Mets in New York City (July 2001)

Jay and Barb.JPG (76229 bytes)Jen and Ezra.JPG (77371 bytes)Judy and Joe.JPG (61552 bytes)Jay and No 1 Son.JPG (60158 bytes)Dad and Cher on 42nd Street.JPG (111833 bytes)

Matt and Mark and Ezra.JPG (82645 bytes)Strike Three.JPG (139537 bytes)Dad and Joe at Shea.jpg (26653 bytes)Statue of Liberty 1.JPG (64968 bytes)The Circle Line Cruise.JPG (81113 bytes)

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Aunt Lori & Uncle Tom's #4 Born June 22, 2001: Luke!

Luke _ Thomas.jpg (72893 bytes)Luke 2.JPG (56206 bytes)Luke 1.JPG (77207 bytes)Luke 6 .jpg (52160 bytes)

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Greg, Lara, Mark, and Matt- June Graduations!

Nana, Greg, Lara.JPG (79781 bytes)Greg _ Lara 3 (Altered, Rotation).jpg (86734 bytes)Mark's Graduation Party.JPG (88349 bytes)Matt's Graduation 3 (Altered, Rotation).jpg (56105 bytes)

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Michael Parrell's Confirmation (May 2001)

Along Pew.JPG (79174 bytes)Confirmation.JPG (88260 bytes)Mike and Gang.JPG (72228 bytes)mike and aunt cheryl 2.jpg (52849 bytes)

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Easter 2001

Dying_Eggs_Easter_01.jpg (38301 bytes)Easter_NickAngDiane__Dad_2001.jpg (35194 bytes)Mom__Dad_Reynolds_w_Family.JPG (70104 bytes)

Girls_with_Nanna.JPG (111452 bytes)Boys_with_Nanna.JPG (111224 bytes)Ladies_with_Mom.JPG (114011 bytes)Men_with_Mom.JPG (120249 bytes)

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Williamsburg (April 2001)

Angela___Diane_1.JPG (110370 bytes)Angela_Diane___Mom.JPG (83931 bytes)Dad___Girls_Williamsburg_01.jpg (29077 bytes)Angela___Diane_Williamsburg_01.jpg (43084 bytes)

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Easter Bread 2001

The_Cooking_Gang.JPG (102397 bytes)Cooking_Kids.JPG (68638 bytes)Louise_Paul._Kelly___Us.JPG (72961 bytes)Gary___Cheryl.JPG (69376 bytes)

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Uncle Michael in South Africa and the Philippines  (Feb/Mar 2001)

Lions_in_So_Africa.jpg (26302 bytes)Mike_at_So_Africa_Safari_Cabin.jpg (30053 bytes)Monkeys_in_So_Africa.jpg (31712 bytes)

Mike_at__Waterfall_in_So_Africa.jpg (48692 bytes)Mt_Pinatubo_Philipines.jpg (35873 bytes)Reviewing_the_trip.JPG (90745 bytes)

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Aunt Barbara's 49th (March 2001)

Cake_with_Candle.JPG (98105 bytes)The_Celebrants.JPG (92774 bytes)The_House.JPG (94591 bytes)

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Working on the Computer  (March 2001)

Dad___Gary_at_Fireplace.jpg (50005 bytes)

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Dad's Grave at Arlington Cemetery (March 2001)

First_Arrivals.JPG (124003 bytes)Dads_Grave_2001.JPG (132452 bytes)The_Ladies.JPG (79781 bytes)End_of_Tour.JPG (112139 bytes)

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Aunt Kelly's 40th (February 2001)

Kelly_George_and_Jason.JPG (58420 bytes)Kelly_Jason___Diane.JPG (59387 bytes)The_Ladies.JPG (78947 bytes)

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Aunt Louise's 50th (February 2001)

Opening_Camera.JPG (77462 bytes)Kitchen_Group_w_Jim_Maria___Van.JPG (70348 bytes)Louise_50th___Val.jpg (31412 bytes)Michaels_Turban.JPG (94250 bytes)

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