Archive Events 2002
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New Years Bread 2002

ner Years Bread Girls 02.jpg (35338 bytes)New Years Bread 2002.jpg (38923 bytes)New Years Bread Guys 02.jpg (22714 bytes)

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Christmas 2002

Angel on Tree 2002 (close).jpg (55658 bytes)Diane.jpg (37106 bytes)Angela.jpg (27954 bytes)Nick.jpg (30132 bytes)Greg.jpg (37013 bytes)

Angela and Diane.jpg (36407 bytes)Greg Nick Mark.jpg (46633 bytes)Cher.jpg (41835 bytes)

Christmas Eve 2002.jpg (36171 bytes)Cher Santa 2.jpg (66913 bytes)

Mom and Bill.jpg (40262 bytes)Christmas Party 2002.jpg (49100 bytes)Mom and Dad R.jpg (44752 bytes)

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Christmas Trees 2002

Trees 2002 Gang at Evergreen Acres.jpg (39654 bytes)Our Tree 2002.jpg (31750 bytes)Mom with Ang and Diane.jpg (64239 bytes)Dad Ang and Diane w 11 ft Tree.jpg (42451 bytes)

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Thanksgiving 2002

Mashed Potatos.jpg (39451 bytes)Nick Ang and Turkey.jpg (33244 bytes)Paul Picking.jpg (45912 bytes)

Back End.jpg (46792 bytes)Kitchen Card Gang.jpg (41374 bytes)Mikes Games.jpg (39286 bytes)

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Dad's Birthday (Nov 2002)

Dad and Greg.jpg (22353 bytes)Dad and Nick.jpg (23827 bytes)Dad and Angela.jpg (22440 bytes)Dad and Diane.jpg (23332 bytes)

Dads Birthday 2002.jpg (38159 bytes)Gary and Cher.jpg (23987 bytes)

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Paul's 60th! (Nov 2002)

Paul's 60th! oval.jpg (41768 bytes)

Louise and Paul.jpg (41200 bytes)Son _ Soon Son in Law.jpg (44174 bytes)Myrna Louise Ann.jpg (35094 bytes)Mom and Bill.jpg (29320 bytes)

Van and Gary.jpg (26821 bytes)John Eadie.jpg (39468 bytes)Paul Nancy Louise and Cher.jpg (44911 bytes)At Junes after Pauls 60th.jpg (45814 bytes)

Pauls 60th w Gang.jpg (44969 bytes)Pauls 60th w Rene.jpg (41934 bytes)

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Apple Picking (Sept 2002)

Apple Picking 2002 Ang Diane w Sheep.jpg (72503 bytes)   Apple Picking 2002 Gang on Hill.jpg (60971 bytes)   Apple Picking 2002 Diane w Louise Avery Emma (1).jpg (83541 bytes)  

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Busch Gardens (Aug 2002)

Busch Gardens 2002 All.jpg (59358 bytes)     Busch Gardens 2002 Dad Ang Diane.jpg (59665 bytes)

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Jennifer's Wedding (Aug 2002)

Jen and Ezra Dance.jpg (48118 bytes)Jen and Ezra.jpg (30171 bytes)

Jennifers Wedding Greg Nick Ange Diane.jpg (52655 bytes)   Jennifers Wedding w Ang and Diane.jpg (50084 bytes)   Jennifers Wedding Dad and Mom.jpg (34044 bytes)

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Florida 2002

Florida 2002 at Mom and Bills.jpg (54230 bytes)Florida 2002 Dad Ang Diane.jpg (63565 bytes)Florida 2002 Ang Diane in Hammock.jpg (63697 bytes)Florida 2002 Flamingo Gardens.jpg (70237 bytes)

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Irene's 50th!

Irenes 50th Gals.jpg (46500 bytes)  Sixteen Tons.jpg (59682 bytes)  My Boyfriends Back.jpg (38077 bytes)   

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Easter 2002

Easter 2002 Family.jpg (92756 bytes)  Spring 2002 Dad Ang Diane.jpg (38503 bytes)  Easter 2002 w Reynolds Family.jpg (48956 bytes)   

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Dad's Grave at Arlington Cemetery (March 2002)

Grave 5.JPG (132328 bytes)          Picnic.JPG (109398 bytes)

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The Zoo in January 2002

Cher Ang Diane Steph.JPG (114226 bytes)           Ang Diane Steph.JPG (127325 bytes) 

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Redskins 20....Cardinals 17!

From our seats.JPG (120228 bytes)Gary Jay Josh and Greg.JPG (96032 bytes)Final Score.JPG (107382 bytes)The True Fans.JPG (76521 bytes)

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