Archive Events 2003
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New Years Bread 2003

Mixing Tom and Thomas.jpg (43778 bytes)Mixing Greg Tom Dad.jpg (40547 bytes)

George Kelly Nanna.jpg (59745 bytes)Louise Irene Amanda.jpg (50076 bytes)The Cooks.jpg (55247 bytes)The Gang.jpg (52984 bytes)

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Christmas 2003

Cher after setup.jpg (79051 bytes)Gary and Cher.jpg (59977 bytes)Christmas Morning.jpg (68570 bytes)

Greg.jpg (29371 bytes)Angela and Diane.jpg (37843 bytes)Cher Greg Nick.jpg (52559 bytes)Nick and Angela.jpg (45920 bytes)Nick Ang Diane.jpg (53538 bytes)

Greg Ang Diane.jpg (71728 bytes)Judi and Joe.jpg (58873 bytes)Mom and Dad R.jpg (54526 bytes)Barb and Jay.jpg (44950 bytes)Nick and Mark.jpg (34971 bytes)

Christmas Party with Gang.jpg (52719 bytes)

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DC Trees in December 2003

By the Fire.jpg (39856 bytes)The Gang.jpg (35889 bytes)Tree on the Mall.jpg (62096 bytes)The Girls.jpg (38127 bytes)

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Christmas Trees 2003

The Gang.jpg (49065 bytes)Gary and Cher.jpg (46352 bytes)Diane Cher Jessica.jpg (67844 bytes)Cher cutting.jpg (48944 bytes)Nick and Dad.jpg (67757 bytes)

Diane.jpg (49642 bytes)Angela and Nanna.jpg (36913 bytes)Greg.jpg (45910 bytes)Nick and Nanna.jpg (62428 bytes)

Angela and Diane.jpg (47327 bytes)Cher and Diane.jpg (54903 bytes)The Angel on Top.jpg (50056 bytes)

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Thanksgiving 2003

Skin Attack.jpg (49077 bytes)Mom and Mike.jpg (61193 bytes)After Dinner.jpg (48120 bytes)The table.jpg (49772 bytes)

After Dinner 2 .jpg (42577 bytes)After Dinner 3.jpg (59979 bytes)After Dinner 4.jpg (34734 bytes)Girls end of Table.jpg (81044 bytes)

The Clean Up Crew.jpg (52650 bytes)After Dinner Football.jpg (65773 bytes)

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Dad's Birthday 2003

Dad and Angela.jpg (44102 bytes)Dad and Diane.jpg (44811 bytes)Dad and Greg.jpg (39574 bytes)Dad and Nick.jpg (38878 bytes)Dad Ang Diane.jpg (85892 bytes)

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Pumpkins 2003

Dad with Ang and Diane.jpg (49428 bytes)Carving Results.jpg (33427 bytes)Mom with Ang and Diane.jpg (46522 bytes)

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Richmond & RT 211

Richmond Tudor 1.jpg (75897 bytes)Richmond Tudor2.jpg (72521 bytes)Original RT 211.jpg (52330 bytes)

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Nick's Birthday 2003

The Gang.jpg (61134 bytes)Nick Greg and Dad.jpg (46397 bytes)

Nick Greg Eric.jpg (58913 bytes)Grampa Tom Luke .jpg (56460 bytes)Grandma and Grandpa R, and Paul.jpg (49464 bytes)Nick Greg Diane.jpg (45164 bytes)

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Apple Picking 2003

Starting Off w Gang.jpg (57742 bytes)Cher and Diane.jpg (53020 bytes)Dad and Diane.jpg (32340 bytes)Watching Hogs.jpg (85754 bytes)The Picnic w Gang.jpg (70429 bytes)


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Lara & Ben's Wedding (Sept 2003)

Lara's Wedding Sept 2003.jpg (105715 bytes)

Lara's Wedding 2.jpg (49807 bytes)Lara's wedding 1.jpg (51321 bytes)Lara's Wedding 3.jpg (104244 bytes)Lara'e Wedding 4.jpg (43154 bytes)


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Greg's 21st Birthday (Aug 2003)

Greg and Jenna.jpg (41144 bytes)Greg Ang Mark Josh.jpg (42100 bytes)Greg Lara Thomas Mike John (1).jpg (44108 bytes)


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Ocean City (Aug 2003)

Mom with Three.jpg (42289 bytes)Dad with Three.jpg (43769 bytes)


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Museum in DC (July2003)

The Capitol.jpg (35814 bytes)Dad Diane Jessica.jpg (47663 bytes)The Museum.jpg (49254 bytes)


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Angela's 17th Birthday

Angela BDay 2.jpg (39034 bytes)Angela Nanna.jpg (35431 bytes)Ang Nick Diane.jpg (38992 bytes)


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Father's Day 2003 

Diane and Dad.jpg (32170 bytes)Ang and Dad.jpg (42151 bytes)Greg and Dad.jpg (38279 bytes)Cher and Gary.jpg (33193 bytes)All w Dad (Nick at Beach).jpg (52720 bytes)


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Washington Zoo in (June 2004)

Diane and Friends.jpg (75963 bytes)Cher and Gary.jpg (53537 bytes)


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Nicks High School Graduation 

Nick Dad Mom.jpg (43257 bytes)Nick Quick Change.jpg (37962 bytes)Nick Greg.jpg (46662 bytes)party 2.JPG (55177 bytes)


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The May 50's and 40's Birthdays!

 All 40s and 50s .jpg (51911 bytes)50s and 40s BDay Gifts.jpg (56997 bytes)

Stephen and Marsha 40.jpg (51365 bytes)Cher 29.jpg (30183 bytes)Mike 50.jpg (31174 bytes)Rich 50 .jpg (43858 bytes)

Cher and Rich 50 50.jpg (37606 bytes)  Gary and Mom  at the 50s and 40s.jpg (29918 bytes)


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Cher's Mothers Day and Birthday 2003

Chers 50th in Baltimore Harbor.jpg (27808 bytes)

Cher Mothers Day.jpg (39032 bytes)Cher Birthday Dinner.jpg (51975 bytes)Cher Birthday 50.jpg (43531 bytes)


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Easter 2003

Easter Bread 2003.jpg (52371 bytes)Easter 2002 All with Dad.jpg (45521 bytes)Easter 2003 All with Mom.jpg (57632 bytes)


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Snow in Jan 2003

Snow Jan 2003 Christmas Lights.jpg (53269 bytes)Snow Nick and Dad.jpg (40226 bytes)


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