Archive Events 2004
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New Years Bread 2004

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Christmas 2004

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DC Trees in December 2004

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Christmas Gathering 2004 (Von and Nancy Farewell to South Carolina)

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Mom's Birthday 2004

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Raking Leaves t Mom's

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Christmas Tree 2004

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Thanksgiving 2004

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Dulles Air & Space Museum (Nov 04)


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Dad's Birthday (Nov 04)

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Pumpkins 2004


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Nick's Birthday 2004

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Apple Picking 2004 (Oct)

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Falls at Skyline Drive (Sept 2004)

Dian Jessica Mom.jpg (35544 bytes)Diane Jessica Dad.jpg (62783 bytes)Gary and Cheryl.jpg (45376 bytes)

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Grandpa's 80th! (Aug 2004)

Mom and Dad.jpg (42089 bytes)The 80th Cake.jpg (32957 bytes)

Dad and Mom and their Girls.jpg (55115 bytes)The Head Table.jpg (50053 bytes)The Grandchildren (1).jpg (53801 bytes)

Angela and Diane (1).jpg (49691 bytes)Dad with Family.jpg (64468 bytes)Family in August 2004.jpg (71720 bytes)Diane and Dad.jpg (51028 bytes)

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Florida in August 2004

Dinner with Mom and Bill.jpg (48681 bytes)Mom and Bill.jpg (44746 bytes)Bill and Gary.jpg (42600 bytes)The Spanish City.jpg (56831 bytes)

Butterfly Gardens.jpg (52546 bytes)Islamadora Key.jpg (56570 bytes)The Butterflies.jpg (46301 bytes)Nick at Mangroves.jpg (36931 bytes)

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Alysia and Shawn's Wedding (July 2004)

Greg Matt and Uncle Mike.jpg (30756 bytes)Angela and the Parrells.jpg (38272 bytes)Cher June Mike.jpg (30010 bytes)

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Roosevelt Memorial July 2004

Before the Visit.jpg (40662 bytes)Roosevelt Memorial.jpg (50830 bytes)Mom and Bill w Mrs R.jpg (39318 bytes)Tidal Basin.jpg (41399 bytes)

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Angela's Birthday (July2004)

Mom w Angela and Diane.jpg (47463 bytes)Angela Nick Diane.jpg (43978 bytes)Dad w Angela and Diane.jpg (52092 bytes)

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Father's Day 2004

Dad and Nick.jpg (37669 bytes)Dad and Angela.jpg (34869 bytes)Dad and Diane.jpg (36804 bytes)

Dad Nick Angela Diane.jpg (54920 bytes)Gary and Cheryl.jpg (39189 bytes)

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June's 50th!

The 50 dollar eye glasses.jpg (31154 bytes)     Ready for the Song.jpg (31461 bytes)     Junes 50th.jpg (48027 bytes)

The Performers.jpg (54170 bytes)    Junes other side.jpg (56092 bytes)

Mom and her 8 children.jpg (88430 bytes)Mom with All.jpg (76889 bytes)The Whole Gang.jpg (89798 bytes)

The Girls.jpg (44361 bytes)    The Guys.jpg (48239 bytes)

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Again in June 2004

Onother Day Out.jpg (65973 bytes)    Getting ready to go Somewhere.jpg (52385 bytes)

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Rain in June 2004 (over our driveway!)

Rain in June 04  4.jpg (70661 bytes)Rain in June 04  3.jpg (62056 bytes)Rain in June 04  1.jpg (77093 bytes)Rain in June 04  2.jpg (74453 bytes)

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Angela, Emily, and Jason HS Graduation (June04)

Angela and Emily.jpg (37220 bytes)Angela Jason Emily.jpg (55688 bytes)Angela and Jason.jpg (33534 bytes)

Grad Night Dad with Ang and Katie.jpg (44960 bytes)Graduation Party Gifts.jpg (63219 bytes)

Angela with Grandparents.jpg (41885 bytes)Graduation Party Gals with Nick.jpg (53637 bytes)Graduation Party Guys.jpg (39364 bytes)Grad Party Tom Lori Louise Luke Dom.jpg (52567 bytes)

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WWII Memorial Dedication (May 04)

Morning Departure.jpg (51704 bytes)WWII Memorial Dad and Joe.jpg (66924 bytes)

WWII Gary Joe Mike.jpg (53590 bytes)Dad with his 140K Friends.jpg (75518 bytes)WWII Joe Dad Mike.jpg (43813 bytes)

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Cher's Birthday 2004

Cher with All.jpg (44956 bytes)Cher and Gary.jpg (27092 bytes)

Mom and Greg.jpg (46778 bytes)Mom and Nick.jpg (42003 bytes)Mom and Angela.jpg (42022 bytes)Mom and Diane.jpg (41933 bytes)

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Diane's Matt's Birthday 2004

Diane with Mom and Dad.jpg (38297 bytes)Diane Grampa Matt.jpg (55775 bytes)Diane Angela Jessica Katie.jpg (51319 bytes)

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Val's Special Day (Apr 2004)

The Surprise.jpg (37201 bytes)Our Queen for the Day.jpg (38043 bytes)

Van and Vanessa.jpg (44493 bytes)Dean and Viv.jpg (39997 bytes)Frank and Anna.jpg (45223 bytes)Van and Kelly.jpg (48373 bytes)

Eva  Brian and Mackenzie.jpg (53808 bytes)Andrea and Mike.jpg (42152 bytes)Stephanie and Nick.jpg (52455 bytes)On the way there in Penn Alps.jpg (54614 bytes)

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Easter 2004

Easter Bread 2004.jpg (56411 bytes)Easter Sunday 2004.jpg (62094 bytes)Easter Break in Ocean City.jpg (75945 bytes)

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After the Hospital (Mar 2004)

The Day out of the Hospital.jpg (38360 bytes)Ft Belvoir trail_.jpg (39475 bytes)

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Dominic's Christening (Jan 2004)

Angela and Diane.jpg (51939 bytes)Dominic and Nanna.jpg (49248 bytes)Michael Thomas Gary Paul.jpg (53709 bytes)Thomas Michael Gary Luke.jpg (43057 bytes)

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